domingo, 24 de mayo de 2015

#4 My favourite music

Well guys, today I am going to write about music. I think that music is something essential in life because there is always a song for a moment in your life. Since four or five years ago my favourite kind of music is reggae because it is relax. My favourite group is “Los Cafres”. They are from Argentina and they play music since 1987. The difference between Los Cafres and the others groups is simple, they sing in spanish and they are the best group of reggae in Latin America. In 2013 they came to Chile celebrating their 25th anniversary and I could assist. It was amazing because the place where they did the concert was very small and because of that I could see them really close. This year they are going to come again and I will go with my girlfriend.


4 comentarios:

  1. Hi Felipe! I like Los Cafres too, they're fantastic and really nice to listen, see you on classes :)

  2. Hello Felipe, how interesting!! Los Cafres not know , I'll come to hear one of these days, reggae is also one of my favorite styles :)

  3. Hi Felipe
    excellent group , I also hear very often. I hope someday go together to a concert.

  4. I really like "Los Cafres" !I listened to when I was younger, very relaxing music such as reggae in general (if you know what I mean hahaha )
