jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

#8 A person that I admire

Well guys, today I have to write about a person that I admire.
To be honest I don´t think if a really admire a person; because, of course everyone has things that I like and that I don´t but my mom is really closer to that definition. Her name is Nancy Olivares and she is 50 years old. She is a nurse, a really good one and of course in her work she´d had to saved people. Our relationship is not as good as I´d like because we have a lot of differences because of our personalities but in despite of all we have a relationship of trust and, of course, we love each other.

 I like her because of many things but the most important is that I think that she is a really strong woman for what she does and how she works every day and that makes me feel proud of her.  Well guys, that was my post about the person that I admire and she is definitely my mom.

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