jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2015


The most difficult task was the listening because I had problems to understand what they said. I enjoyed doing the exercise about “the myth of narcissus” because the principal character of the story was really fun. I think the hardest skill in this semester has been listening for what I said. To improve it I have to start to watch movies without  subtitle.

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015

#10 My blogging experience

Hi guys, today I am going to write my last post in this blog because the semester is finishing.
The blog experience was really fun. To be honest I have never written a blog, actually I didn´t know how to create it but because of the class I learned how to do it. Thanks of the blog I have improved my writing skills so much and I have learned a lot of new words.  I can remember when we had to write about our favorite movie because it was a hard decision. I have watched an important number of movies in my life, but that one was a really good one.  I also remember when we had to write about our favorite photo. That was an easy decision because I am not so good taking photos and I only like one, the photo that I showed. In the future the students should write about their favorite sport if they have one, or their favorite football team. You also should include a post about a free topic because, with that post, we could know better the personality and how our partners think. Well, that was my post. I hope you have enjoyed it because it was the last one. See you soon!

jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015

#9 my favorite series

To be honest, I have seen a lot of series in my life. When I have time I just use it watching series. Some years ago I started to follow “Spartacus”, a series about the roman slave who started a revolution.  He was a gladiator, the best one in his times, and some day, when they killed the “dominus” he became a leader.it has 3 seasons and one prequel and if you want to watch a good story, with emotion, drama, violence, corruption and intrigue I recommend you this one. I like the series because, as I said, it has all what I expect for a series, a good story, violence, and, why not, really beautiful women. The series that I enjoy the most are the ones that have violence, good stories, or one character that changes.

There is always a series that I want to follow, but I try to don’t do it right now because it takes a lot of time and now I have to study or my family are going to kill me in home, but in holidays I would like to follow “House of Cards” because some friend recommended me.

jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

#8 A person that I admire

Well guys, today I have to write about a person that I admire.
To be honest I don´t think if a really admire a person; because, of course everyone has things that I like and that I don´t but my mom is really closer to that definition. Her name is Nancy Olivares and she is 50 years old. She is a nurse, a really good one and of course in her work she´d had to saved people. Our relationship is not as good as I´d like because we have a lot of differences because of our personalities but in despite of all we have a relationship of trust and, of course, we love each other.

 I like her because of many things but the most important is that I think that she is a really strong woman for what she does and how she works every day and that makes me feel proud of her.  Well guys, that was my post about the person that I admire and she is definitely my mom.

#7 A place that I want to visit

I think that I am a very lucky guy, because in my 20 years I have visited a lot of places. I don´t know if there is a place that I would really like to visit more than others but I know that I would like to visit all south America more than another places. South America has a lot of places, many cultures and really nice people. As I said I have visited a lot of places and I can say that here, in this continent are the nicest people. Last year I went to Perú and Ecuador and I have known gorgeous cities with really nice people like Trujillo, with a beautiful beach, Chiclayo, Mancora, a place to have fun, Guayaquil, Canoa, to find peace, Quito, where I went to half of world, Quevedo, a wild place where I could try cacao and other beautiful places.

As I said I don´t really have a place where I want to go, but I know that I want to go to all south America as soon as I can.

viernes, 19 de junio de 2015

#6 my favorite movie

One of my favorites movies is “Interstellar” of Christopher Nolan it is inside on the kind of “science fiction” it is about physical, relative time, black holes, and so on. I like it because when I watched it, even when it is too long, the movie keep you focus on it. You have to concentrate a lot to understand the movie, because it has a lot of details that are important to get the main objective.
The first time that I watched it, it was last year; I went to the cinema with my girlfriend on my birthday, it is the only time that I have seen this film, even that, I just needed once to decide that it was going to be my favorite film.
I like all these kind of movies, about science fiction, and also I like the movies relative with action, fights, wars and so on.

The last movie that I watched was “Terremoto: La Falla de San Andrés” and if I am not wrong it was two weeks ago, I found it very striking and it is a movie that I absolutely recommend.

#5 My favorite photo

This photo was taken for me, in Montañita, Ecuador, when I travelled with my friends. It was five years ago on 2010, when I was sixteen years old. In this travel I knew lots of places, but the most that I liked was Montañita, for that reason I took these photo, in that time Montañita was an unknown place, where you could go to relax and have a good time. This photo represents what Montañita was, now at days this mural doesn’t exist, and now, is a very touristic place, it is always crowded and you can’t find the peaceful place that it used to be, because of it, this photo means a lot to me and reminds me every single moment that I lived there when I was younger.

I hope that one day this place recovers all the things that has lost, for now, we just have to use to what Montañita is.